#ChicagoLandmarks | Carbide and Carbon

The Hard Rock Hotel  Carbide amp Carbon

Nick Ulivieri | 6.22.11 Many thanks to @acmillerphoto for suggesting Carbide & Carbon for #ChicagoLandmarks! -click to enlarge-   The Carbide & Carbon building sits on some prime real estate on Chicago’s Michigan Ave.  Built in 1929, this Art-Deco gem…

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Photo of the Day – Seagull Launch

Seagull Launch

I was leaving Navy Pier on Wednesday, when I saw a seagull perched atop the mooring anchor for a ship’s docking ropes.  I figured I’d try and get one last photo before I left.  I set my focus point and…

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#ChicagoLandmarks | Sears Tower

Skydeck signage

Nick Ulivieri | 6.10.11 So I’ve decided to start a new feature on my blog, #ChicagoLandmarks.  As part of an ongoing project I’m working on (still in its infancy)  I’ll be heading all over this city over the coming months…

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Photo Blog | Red Sky Storm

Red Storm PANO LO 3

Nick Ulivieri | 5.12.11 -Click to enlarge-     Check out my updated storm gallery on Flickr – from May 11th & 12th   Not much else to say but..,WOW!  The storm that rolled in last night was an amazing…

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Photo Blog | Boxcar Graffiti

Graffiti 67

Nick Ulivieri | May 6, 2011 -Click to enlarge- If you caught my previous post. “Hanging above the BNSF tracks” you probably know I take a lot of rail-yard pictures.  In addition to taking pictures of trains, I’ve also been…

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Photo Blog | Hanging above the BNSF tracks

Desolate 8211 Blizzard 2011

Nick Ulivieri | April 28, 2011 My balcony hangs over the BNSF tracks…literally.  If I jumped from the railing I could probably land top of a locomotive or boxcar.  I haven’t tried it yet, but if I ever need to…

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Photo Blog | Surf & Turf in Puerto Vallarta

Splashed pebbles

Nick Ulivieri | April 12, 2011 -Click to enlarge-   This past March, my girlfriend and I took a much needed vacation to Puerto Vallarta.  We stayed at the Garza Blanca Resort which is about 20 minutes south of the…

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Photo Blog | The Hunt

Bosco sprinting through the brush

Nick Ulivieri | April 11, 2011 -click to enlarge-    My father has been a hunter for as long as I can remember and my younger brother has been going with him for a long time too.  For me, I…

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Lightning Photography | A Tutorial and Gallery

Lighting storm   360 Chicago

Nick Ulivieri | April 4, 2011 (UPDATED April, 2020) Lightning is an “atmospheric discharge of electricity accompanied by thunder… A leader of a bolt of lightning can travel at speeds of 22,000 mph, and can reach temperatures approaching 54,000 °F ” From: Wikipedia. The rest…

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