Always pick the window seat.

Columbia Missouri at night

Last week we took a trip to Austin, Texas to visit some friends and family (you can see more photos in this Flickr set). Unsurprisingly, a ‘relaxing’ vacation for me is one in which I take tons of photos, then…

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Aboard the DIRECTV Blimp

Reelin039 her in

A few years ago I had an amazing opportunity to take a ride in the DIRECTV Blimp (you can read more about that flight here). At the time, I thought that would be my only opportunity to fly in a…

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B-2 over Soldier Field

Inverted BampW

pictured above; an inverted black and white image of the B-2 Stealth Bomber as it flew directly overhead Like most mornings, I hopped on to Twitter to see what was going on and I saw an intriguing tweet from @PilotB2 (he’s…

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Hanging Out Atop Wolf Point West

82515 Wolf Point West WEB 43

As soon as I learned of the Wolf Point development project back in 2012-ish, I knew these buildings would feature some of the best views in Chicago. So when Wolf Point West broke ground in July of 2014, I was…

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Fireworks from the Lighthouse

Night to day blend

As Navy Pier​ is redeveloped over the next few years, I’ve been tasked with helping them update their bank of photos. New firework imagery is high on their list, and I thought the Chicago Harbor Lighthouse​ would make for a…

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Aerial Photos 3,800 Feet Above Chicago

3800quot Above Chicago 8211 A 2 frame Panorama

On Friday afternoon I hopped a doors-off flight with Rotorzen Helicopter and took to the skies to shoot an aerial photography project for a good client of mine. The weather couldn’t have been better. It was so good in fact that after I…

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#BloombergConnects instameet

BoombergConnects Instameet

One of the best parts about participating in the Chicago Instagram community is the cool photo ops that come our way. Instagram is a great photo sharing app, but it’s also a powerful networking tool. Last night was no exception…

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Cerise Rooftop at Virgin Hotel Chicago

Cerise039s western side

There can never be too many open-air, public rooftops in this city. And Chicago’s getting a new one on Wednesday April 29th when Virgin Hotel Chicago opens up their new indoor/outdoor terrace, ‘Cerise’. This rooftop spot will serve Japanese small plates,…

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Hancock Fog Storm

FogStorm composite Lightning at night fog by day

From time to time I create these ‘SurrealScapes’ of the city for fun, and thought a few shots from two recent visits to the Hancock would make for a cool blend. In this image, I’ve layered three separate photos together….

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